SCALAWAG: ‘Working sick’—Kentucky miners fight black lung regulations
Scalawag covered our recent Black Lung Lobby Trip to Frankfort to ask for legislators’ support in ensuring that black lung benefits are accessible to all who need them:
“’We brought the people who were well enough to make the trip,’ said Addington, executive director of the Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center. For many people with black lung, Addington said their days usually consist of ‘their couch and their bed.'”
“Although it was difficult for Fields and his wife, Tilda, to make the trip, ‘all you can do is help the miners coming up behind us,’ he said. Fields supports re-expanding the small number of doctors available to diagnose black lung. ‘We need more doctors who can be ‘B’ readers,’ said Tilda, a retired nurse.” #blacklungkills
Read the full article here.
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