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Posts by category
- Category: Abandoned Mine Lands
- Reclamation on hundreds of Kentucky coal mine permits is taking far too long
- New Report: The Problem of Unabated Violations on Kentucky’s Coal Mine Sites
- Advocates Release New Federal Flood Policy Platform
- University of Kentucky Starfire Research Complex
- The Flight 93 National Memorial Reforestation Monitoring Project
- Appalachian regional reforestation initiative: Virginia Tech Powell River Project
- The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative (ARRI) Webinar Series
- The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative (ARRI) Webinar Series
- Advocates Release Policy Platform to Give Congress a Plan to Stop Zombie Mines
- NEW REPORT: Mine Reclamation Crisis Broadens as Nearly Forty Percent of “Active” Mines in Kentucky Haven’t Produced Coal Since 2020
- The Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative: Nearly Two Decades of Successful Work
- WEKU: U.S. Interior Secretary comes to Kentucky to announce abandoned mines cleanup funding
- ACLC NEWS: Deputy Director Mary Cromer Testifies Before U.S. House Committee About Coal Impacts on Flooding
- RECLAIM COALITION: Major Progress for Action to Address Acid Mine Drainage Crisis as STREAM Act Passes House with Strong Bipartisan Support
- NEW YORK TIMES: How Coal Mining and Years of Neglect Left Kentucky Towns at the Mercy of Flooding
- E&E NEWS: Mine Cleanup Cash Could Generate Work For Ex-Coal Workers
- SPECTRUM NEWS: Safety, Environmental Violations Pile Up at Kentucky’s ‘Zombie’ Coal Mines
- CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL: Appalachian Mine Clean-Up Advocates Urge White House to Appoint OSMRE Director, Plead for Stronger Clean Up Requirements
- HERALD-LEADER OP-ED: Federal funds could help E.Ky. clean up abandoned mines
- COURIER-JOURNAL: ‘Out of control’: Sinking coal industry swamps Kentucky with ‘zombie’ mine violations
- ACLC NEWS: 34 Community Organizations Endorse New Bipartisan House & Senate Bills to Address Acid Mine Drainage Crisis
- IN THESE TIMES: In Appalachia, the Mine Cleanup System Has Collapsed
- Congress: Now is the Moment to Clean Up Acid Mine Drainage
- COURIER-JOURNAL: How Coal Companies Walked Away from their ‘Absolutely Massive’ Environmental Catastrophes
- ACLC NEWS: The Work of Friends of the Cheat to Address Acid Mine Drainage in West Virginia
- ACLC NEWS: Acid Mine Drainage Challenge Q+A with Joe Pizarchik
- ACLC NEWS: Confronting acid mine drainage: A conversation with Rural Action’s Marissa Lautzenheiser
- PRESS RELEASE: Congress Fails To Reauthorize Abandoned Coal Mine Lands Program Before Deadline, Creating New Uncertainty & Threatening Job Creation
- PRESS RELEASE: Community Advocates Celebrate Senate Passage of Historic, Job-Creating Investments in Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Kentucky Needs $1 Billion to Clean Up Old Coal Mines, Report Finds
- E&E NEWS: Seeking Justice in Reclamation: Dems Tout Mining Rehab
- ACLC NEWS: The Need for Full-AML reauthorization and more
- ACLC: Statement on the First Report of the Biden Administration’s Interagency Working Group on Coal & Power Plant Communities & Economic Revitalization
- WEKU EASTERN STANDARD: Earth Day Special on Deforestation
- ACLC NEWS: Two Bills Introduced in Congress to Address Abandoned Mine Lands – the RECLAIM Act and the Reauthorization of the AML Fund
- Category: ACLC News
- Advocates Call on Congress to Make Sure Coal Companies Don’t Skip Out on Black Lung Responsibilities
- Indiana County, PA backs call for more black lung benefits for miners
- Advocates Respond to New Rule Cracking Down on Coal Industry’s Abandonment of Black Lung Liabilities
- Black Lung Associations from Across West Virginia Urge Manchin and Capito to Fix Black Lung Benefits Before End of Year
- Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center Urges Congress to reject the Energy Permitting Reform Act
- Miners and advocates travel to Washington to ask legislators to strengthen black lung benefits
- Historic Progress to Curb Black Lung Marred by Missed Opportunities
- Community Advocates Welcome Cartwright’s New Legislation to Fight Zombie Mine Crisis
- Advocates Fight for Increased Federal Investments to Tackle Growing Black Lung Crisis
- Black Lung Bulletin Vol. 3 Issue 1
- Coal Community Advocates Bash Cuts to Federal Mine Reclamation Funding and Urge Restoration in FY25 Budget
- NEW Analysis: Black Lung Benefits Fall Dramatically Behind Cost of Living for Sick Miners and Their Families
- Black Lung Bulletin Vol. 2 Issue 4
- 5,200+ from Across the Country Support Strengthening Silica Dust Rule as Comment Period Concludes
- Advocates in Coal Communities Urge Congress to Prevent “Enormous Step Backwards” By Rejecting Harmful Appropriations Bills
- Advocates, coal miners applaud progress towards new silica dust rule
- Department of Labor wraps up comment period on proposed rule for the authorization of black lung self-insurance
- Organizations across the country call on Congress to preserve federal funding to support low-income families’ access to drinking water
- The Road to Flood Disaster Recovery: Resources for Housing and Outstanding Need
- Black Lung Bulletin: V. 2, Issue 3
- Advocates urge Congress to update black lung program
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Kentucky Law Firm That Handles Black-Lung, Environmental Cases Faces Flood-Recovery Costs
- WYMT: Floyd County Mine Company Indicted for Falsifying Dust Samples, Lying to Special Investigator
- Permanent Extension of Funding for Black Lung Disability Trust Fund Secured as Inflation Reduction Act Passes Congress
- GIVE TODAY: ACLC’s Flood Recovery Fund
- ACLC NEWS: ACLC Co-Releases Report on the POWER Initiative & Its Impact on Coal Communities
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: Black Lung Patients, Advocates Urge Mine Safety Officials To Update Silica Dust Standards
- POLITICO: Allegations of Industry Influence Rock Mine Safety Commission
- CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL: “We’re counting on Joe”: Miner Advocates Press Manchin to Support Restoring Black Lung Excise Tax in Budget Reconciliation Package
- CHARLESTON-GAZETTE: Safety Violations, Lawsuits Highlight What Advocates See As Threats to Key WV Miners Protections
- VANDERBILT: Students Work at Appalachian Citizens’ Law Center during Pro Bono Spring Break 2022
- MAKING CONNECTIONS NEWS: MLK, Black Lung, Invest in Appalachia
- ACLC NEWS: Advocates Applaud Introduction of Rep. Scott & Adams’ 10-Year Extension of Excise Tax for Black Lung Disability Trust Fund
- CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL: ‘It just ain’t right’: Congress’ Failure to Restore Tax Behind Black Lung Benefits
- PRESS RELEASE: Black Lung Association and 67 Organizations Deman Urgent Action from Congress to Extend Black Lung Excise Tax
- NEW REPORT: Why West Virginia Needs the Black Lung Excise Tax
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: Paying for Black Lung: Renewal Deadline Looms for Overextended Federal Trust Fund
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Tax for Black Lung Benefits to Go Down without Build Back Better Passage
- ACLC NEWS: Hundreds of Clothing Items Sent to Communities Impacted by Tornadoes in Western Kentucky.
- ACLC NEWS: With Build Back Better Act Threatened & Year-End Deadline Approaching, National Black Lung Association Urges Quick Action to Protect Black Lung Disability Trust Fund
- ACLC NEWS: 2021 Annual Report & Executive Director Letter
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER, Op-ed: Congress cannot allow drinking water to become unaffordable in rural communities
- WV GAZETTE-MAIL: MSHA Citations Reveal Mine Unsanitary Conditions Left WV Miners Even More Vulnerable to COVID-19
- Black Lung Bulletin: September 2021
- ACLC NEWS: Coal Miners & Advocates Applaud Introduction of 10-Year Extension of Excise Tax for Black Lung Disability Trust Fund
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: Shouldering Coal’s Costs: Uncertain Future for Programs Addressing Coal Industry Health Impacts
- ACLC NEWS: Remembering Rep. Brent Yonts
- WTVQ: Online Conference Addresses Black Lung Disease in Coal Country
- ACLC NEWS: Left Field NYC Sells Coal Mining T-Shirt To Support Our Work
- ACLC NEWS: Save the Date for October 29th Benefit Concert Celebrating Our 20th Year
- WV PUBLIC BROADCASTING: West Virginia Morning Covers Black Lung
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: With Failing Infrastructure and $1M in Debt, Martin County Water District Raises Rates
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Appalachian Group Calls on Biden to Protect Coal Miners Against Black Lung
- ACLC NEWS: The Kentucky Public Service Commission orders another rate increase for customers of the Martin County Water District in spite of rampant unaffordability
- ACLC NEWS: Silica Petition Press Release
- ACLC NEWS: Deputy Director Mary Cromer Testifies before US House Committee on Natural Resources Regarding Environmental Justice For Coal Country: Testimony Attached
- E&E NEWS: Can Mining Agency Keep Biden’s Promise to Coal Country?
- THE WEATHER CHANNEL: Martin County Water Crisis: 2021 Update
- Black Lung Bulletin: May 2021
- GREENWIRE: Black Jewel Bankruptcy: 33 Coal Mine Permits Abandoned
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Court Lets Blackjewel Transfer KY Coal Mines. Some With Violations Could Be Abandoned.
- INSIDE CLIMATE NEWS: A Bankruptcy Judge Lets Blackjewel Shed Coal Mine Responsibilities in a Case With National Implications
- NEW YORK TIMES: Can Biden Keep Coal Country From Becoming a ‘Ghost Town’?
- INSIDE CLIMATE NEWS: Blackjewel’s Bankruptcy Filing Is a Harbinger of Trouble Ahead for the Plummeting Coal Industry
- BLACK LUNG SPOTLIGHT: Edythe Pridemore
- S&P GLOBAL: With US coal jobs decimated, groups look to Biden to aid regional transition
- ACLC NEWS: Rebecca Shelton promoted to Director of Policy & Organizing
- UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY: UK research seeks to understand and reduce environmental exposures in Eastern Kentucky
- PREVIEW: ACLC’s 2020 Impact Report
- BLACK LUNG BULLETIN: December 2020
- PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Who Cleans Up Environmental Mess Bankrupt Coal Leaves Behind?
- ACLC Stands In Solidarity
- ACLC: Black Lung PSAs for Coal Miners
- ACLC Press Release: Coal miners call on Congress for support amidst dual threats from black lung and COVID-19
- WYMT: Eastern Kentucky law center reflects on singer John Prine
- Resources for Miners with Black Lung in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- FAQs: What You Need to Know About Coal Bankruptcy
- "Coal Country" Debuts in NYC; ACLC Receives a Mention
- ICYMI: ACLC's 2019 Annual Report
- ACLC IN GERMANY: Working Together to Support Transitioning Coal Communities
- ACLC IN GERMANY: Supporting Entrepreneurs in a Transitioning Economy
- ACLC IN GERMANY: Open Pit Mining Transition Efforts in East Germany
- ACLC IN GERMANY: Coal Transitions Abroad
- JUST RELEASED: Martin County Drinking Water Affordability Report
- ACLC: Help Us Send Coal Miners with Black Lung to Washington, DC!
- Martin County Film Screening: Food & Water Watch Joins as Co-Sponsor
- GRAMMYS: John Prine & Why He Wants To Benefit Coal Miners
- WHITESBURG: Black Lung Documentary Screening 5/31
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Coordinator of Policy and Organizing
- ANNOUNCEMENT: ACLC Staff Eric Dixon to Leave Current Position in August
- JUST ANNOUNCED: Proceeds from John Prine's New Limited Edition Record to go to ACLC
- Herald-Leader: How this Jewish attorney escaped the Holocaust and changed Eastern Kentucky forever
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Black Lung Organizer
- Full Text: Eric Dixon's Oral Testimony before the House of Representatives' Natural Resources Subcommittee
- U.S. Court of Appeals: ACLC Attorney Mary Cromer's Oral Argument
- Press Release: Announcing ACLC's New Executive Director
- ACLC Receives 2018 East Kentucky Leadership Award for Organization
- House Committee Approves $1 Billion RECLAIM Act
- Spending bill includes significant victories for coal miners and Appalachian communities
- ACLC Client Carlos Combs Featured in NY Times Story
- ACLC Statement Regarding Introduction of RECLAIM Act in US Senate
- ACLC Statement Regarding Resurgence of Severe Black Lung in Appalachia
- Citizens groups, state reach historic settlement with coal company over water pollution
- Make a donation to support the fight for justice in the coalfields on National #GivingTuesday
- Director Steve Sanders testifies at U.S. Congressional hearing in favor of improvements to black lung laws
- ACLC case before Supreme Court a win for black lung widows
- John Grisham tackles coal issues in "Gray Mountain" and offers thanks to ACLC
- ACLC Board Member Honored as an Appalachian Hero
- ACLC Featured in Local and National Press Coverage of Severe Black Lung Resurgence
- Marking the fifty year anniversary of the Civil Rights Act
- Judge Rules in Favor of Landowners in Major Win for ACLC
- ACLC clients' story featured on Huffington Post
- Kentucky General Assembly Attempts to Roll Back Mine Safety Measures Drafted by ACLC, UMWA
- ACLC client Reuben Shemwell takes company to task for surveillance, harassment
- ACLC and Co-Counsels Tell Federal Appeals Court: Proposed Eastern Kentucky Mine Poses Health, Environmental Dangers
- ACLC and Partners Win Injunction in Leeco Mines Case
- ACLC Director Steve Sanders appears on Kentucky Tonight to discuss the future of coal and energy
- ACLC Director Steve Sanders appears on Kentucky Tonight to discuss the future of coal and energy
- ACLC Director Steve Sanders appears on Kentucky Tonight to discuss the future of coal and energy
- Major victory as Sixth Circuit strikes down Nationwide Permit 21
- ACLC files on behalf of citizen coalition objecting to state's backroom deal
- Make an End-of-Year Donation to Support ACLC
- ACLC staff bring miners' perspective to Alpha Foundation meeting
- ACLC wins significant case in 6th Circuit Court of Appeals
- ACLC client Rick Handshoe fights to save his homeplace
- ACLC client Scott Howard is featured on whistleblower radio show Honesty Without Fear
- ACLC wins job reinstatement in whistleblower case
- ACLC Secures Another Victory for Citizens’ Rights
- Law Center wins reversal in 6th Circuit
- Category: Advocacy
- Nature-Based Solutions Needed to Combat Appalachia’s Growing Flood Risks
- Flood Mapping for Appalachia
- Low-Income Households in Appalachia Face the Brunt of Recovery Challenges
- State and Local Governments in Appalachia Need More Assistance to Combat Flood Risks
- Community Advocates Welcome RENEW Act to Address Modern-Era Coal Mine Reclamation Crisis
- Black Lung Bulletin Vol. 2 Issue 1
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER, Op-Ed: Eastern Ky needs federal aid to help now and build healthier communities for the future
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: RECLAIM Act To Boost Coal Communities Passes House As Part Of Infrastructure Bill
- WV PUBLIC BROADCASTING: Environmental Groups Tell Bankruptcy Court Blackjewel Continues To Skirt Obligations
- PRESS RELEASE: Environmental Groups Notify Bankruptcy Judge of Blackjewel’s Inadequate Action on Appalachian Coal Mine Clean-Up & Environmental Violations
- BREAKING: Black Lung Associations ask for support from congress amid COVID-19 crisis
- WKYT: With Funding Set to be Cut, Kentucky Miners, Advocates Rally for Black Lung Benefits
- AP: Coal miners urge Congress extension of black lung funding
- ACLC Signs on to Letter Requesting Kentucky AG Investigate Martin Co Water District
- ACLC Op-Ed Calls for Congressional Action on RECLAIM Act
- Abandoned Mine Lands Policy Group White Paper to be released July 8
- ACLC Press Release: Proposed federal budget would grow coalfield economy by reclaiming more abandoned mines
- ACLC Attorney Evan Smith on the Federal Government's Obligation to Invest in Coalfield Communities
- ACLC Co-Counsel to Citizen Groups Taking Legal Action Against Kentucky Coal Company for Falsifying Water Pollution Reports
- Bill Seeks to Reform Federal Black Lung Benefits Program
- Category: Bankruptcy
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Will Blackjewel leave Eastern Kentuckians to clean up its abandoned coal mines?
- APPALACHIAN VOICES: Bankruptcy Proposal Would Dodge Mine Cleanup Laws
- LEXINGTON-HERALD LEADER: Mary Cromer’s Op-Ed on the Environmental Burden Left Behind by Coal Bankruptcies
- ENERGY NEWS NETWORK: Survival is anything but certain for coal country
- ENERGY NEWS NETWORK: Reckoning in coal country: How lax fiscal policy has left states flat-footed as mining declines
- THE NEW REPUBLIC: For Fossil Fuel Companies, Bankruptcy Is a Bailout
- IEEFA ENERGY FINANCE 2020: Coal Mine Closures
- HARLAN ENTERPRISE: Blackjewel properties risk abandonment in bankruptcy case
- WFPL: Coal Industry Braces As COVID-19 Impacts Electricity Demand
- Ohio Valley Resource: Bankrupt Blackjewel Coal Still Racking Up Environmental Violations, Officials Warn
- Ohio Valley Resource: Mines That Change Owners Have Worse Safety Record, Audit Finds
- Category: Black Lung
- Why Miners Need the Black Lung Benefits Improvement Act More Than Ever
- CHARLESTON GAZETTE-MAIL: Advocates urge Congress, MSHA to do more for miners with black lung and guard against the disease
- WV PUBLIC RADIO: Bob Murray, Who Fought Against Black Lung Regulations As A Coal Operator, Has Filed For Black Lung Benefits
- ACLC Revives Black Lung Bulletin from the 1970s
- POLITICO: The Deadly Disease That Really Scares Coal Miners
- PRESS RELEASE: Black Lung Association supports UMWA and USW suit against MSHA
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: Coal and COVID-19: Lung Impairment Makes Miners Especially Vulnerable To Coronavirus
- SOUTHERLY: These coal communities are protecting sick miners from COVID-19 and pushing Congress for more support
- EE NEWS: Pandemic: Social distancing isn't novel for miners with black lung
- WASHINGTON POST: As covid-19 hits, coal companies aim to cut the tax they pay to support black-lung miners
- WYMT: Weak lungs and small spaces: Coal miners face heightened risk as essential workers during COVID-19
- GIZMODO: 'I’m Just Praying': Miners Fear the Impacts Covid-19 Could Have in Coal Country
- WASHINGTON POST: Coal miners told to keep working during the outbreak despite close quarters, damaged lungs
- BLOOMBERG: Black-Lung Coal Miners Facing Serious Threat from Virus Spread
- SCALAWAG: ‘Working sick’—Kentucky miners fight black lung regulations
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: “Lax Oversight” Threatens Health Fund for Miners With Black Lung, Watchdog Finds
- OHIO VALLEY RESOURCE: Black Lung Benefits Drop For Kentucky Coal Miners After Controversial Law Change
- CDC Releases "Faces of Black Lung II"
- MACED: Black Lung In Eastern Kentucky
- Ed & Labor Committee Hearing: What is MSHA Doing to Protect Miners from the Resurgence of Black Lung Disease?
- WFPL 89.3: Remembering A Coal Miner Who Stood Up For Black Lung
- APNewsBreak: Congress' Inaction Endangers Black Lung Fund
- Devil in the Dust: 2019 Black Lung Benefits Stuck at 2018 Rates
- Herald-Leader: 'Life and Death.' Tax on coal companies for black lung victims slated to be slashed.
- NPR Morning Edition: Tax That Funds Black Lung Disability Trust Fund is Set to Expire
- 89.3 WFPL: Residents Press McConnell as Deadline Looms for Black Lung Fund
- The Guardian: Dr. Dust: The man who discovered a hidden black lung epidemic
- Lexington Herald-Leader: Mitch McConnell owes coal miners an answer as clock runs out on tax for black lung victims
- E&E News: Advocates frustrated by inaction on black lung, cleanup bill
- The Appalachian Voice: Battling for Black Lung Benefits
- Press Release: Federal Fund That Provides Black Lung Benefits in Danger Unless Congress Acts to Protect Coal Miners and Widows
- MSHA Should Not Reduce Protection from Black Lung
- ACLC Clients Featured in Article ‘Why Black Lung Disease is Deadlier Than Ever Before’
- New coal dust regulations take effect after long fight for safer mines
- Don Blankenship guilty verdict shows that illegal coal industry norms must change
- Mourning the passing of Dr. Donald Rasmussen, hero to coal miners, black lung movement, and Appalachia
- New Report Highlights Flaws in Benefits System, Need for Legal Representation
- New York Times Editorial: Miners Battle Black Lung, and Bureaucracy
- Senator Jay Rockefeller Calls for Improvements to Black Lung Claims Process for Miners
- MSHA head Joe Main publishes op-ed on revised coal dust standards
- Labor rights expert Celeste Monforton comments on new black lung regulations
- MSHA Announces Final Coal Dust Rule
- ACLC Attorney and Skadden Fellow Evan Smith Wins First Black Lung Case
- Video explores the historical and current Black Lung crisis
- Lexington Herald Leader: After Decades of Decline, Black Lung on Rise in Eastern Kentucky
- Lexington Herald Leader: After Decades of Decline, Black Lung on Rise in Eastern Kentucky
- Lexington Herald Leader: After Decades of Decline, Black Lung on Rise in Eastern Kentucky
- MSHA delays ruling on Black Lung dust levels
- MSHA delays ruling on Black Lung dust levels
- MSHA delays ruling on Black Lung dust levels
- NPR story reveals shocking black lung rates found in Upper Big Branch miners
- NPR story reveals shocking black lung rates found in Upper Big Branch miners
- NPR story reveals shocking black lung rates found in Upper Big Branch miners
- WCYB News report on rising rates of black lung in Appalachia
- West Virginia community responds to rising rate of Black Lung
- Wes Addington discusses black lung on WMMT's Mountain News and World Report
- Huffington Post reports on political resistance to Black Lung regulation
- Government Accountability Office supports measures to reduce dust causing Black Lung disease
- Louisville Courier-Journal publishes letter to the editor from ACLC Director Steve Sanders, challenging Senator Rand Paul's stance on Black Lung protections
- ACLC Director Steve Sanders addreses black lung on Lawyer2Lawyer radio show
- NPR story on surge in Black Lung cases
- Free Black Lung Screenings
- Kentucky surface miners hit hard by black lung, study finds Central Appalachia, notably Kentucky, hit worst
- ACLC staff discuss Black Lung issues on WMMT 88.7
- Dept. of Labor accepting comments on proposed amendments to the Black Lung Benefits Act
- MSHA to Hold Prestonsburg Hearing on New Black Lung Regulations
- Parade Magazine focuses on coal miners
- Sanders, Cline discuss black lung litigation
- Changes to black lung benefits made law
- Federal Black Lung Program May See Changes
- Senate Health Bill Streamlines Black Lung Assistance
- Category: Case Study
- Category: COVID-19
- Category: Environmental
- VIRGINIA MERCURY: Youngkin to Propose Funding for Small Modular Nuclear Reactors
- THE HILL: A neglected environmental justice issue: indoor plumbing
- LEXINGTON HERALD-LEADER: Study shows notorious Kentucky water district meets regulations, but needs improvement
- PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: House Passes Bills Aimed at Cleaning Up Abandoned Mine Lands
- IMPACT FUND: Martin County Kentucky Residents Say "Enough" To Expensive Unsafe Drinking Water
- The Weather Channel: "Fighting for Clean Drinking Water"
- Press Round Up: Martin County Water Affordability Report
- LEXINGTON: ACLC hosts Martin County Water Crisis film screening event 5/29
- RFI Le Vois Du Monde: "Coal: A Devastating Global Addiction"
- Mother Jones: Their Water Became Undrinkable. Then They Were Ordered to Pay More for It.
- NPR: 'You Just Don't Touch That Tap Water Unless Absolutely Necessary'
- Action Alert: Tell Governor Matt Bevin to Declare State of Emergency to Address Water Crisis in Eastern Kentucky
- Press Release: Citizens Challenge Kentucky's Decision to Allow Radioactive Waste to Remain in Estill County Landfill
- Deadline for Commenting on Estill County Fracking Waste Plan is Feb 12
- Concerned Citizens of Estill County & ACLC Sue for Documents Related to Attorney General's Investigation
- ACLC Releases State Documents on Illegal Frack Waste in Estill County
- Estill County Group Pushes For Involvement In Settlement Agreement Between State And Landfill
- Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet to host public meetings around oil and gas development; eastern Kentucky meeting on July 30
- Judge Rejects Deals Between Kentucky Regulators and Coal Company Over Clean Water Act Violations
- SOAR Initiative Finds Concern in Eastern Kentucky About Health Effects of Surface Mining
- Ruling expected soon in Frasure Creek Clean Water Act violations
- Ruling expected soon in Frasure Creek Clean Water Act violations
- Ruling expected soon in Frasure Creek Clean Water Act violations
- Clearinghouse Review publishes Mary Cromer article on major ACLC water case
- Ashland Daily Independent covers ACLC's case against backroom dealing on water quality
- ACLC and Coalition of Groups Sue Interior Department for Failure to Protect Streams
- Huffington Post reports on ACLC water quality violation suit
- Lexington Herald Leader prints scathing editorial on ACLC case
- ACLC Leads Citizens to Landmark Settlement with Kentucky Regulators and Coal Company in Major Water Pollution Case
- ACLC client's reports of water pollution yield state fine for violation
- Report reveals Americans support Cleaner Energy
- Lexington Herald-Leader publishes editorial on citizen victory in Clean Water Act
- Victory as Kentucky Supreme Court rules in favor of citizens
- Appeals court strikes down regulation restricting surface mining in Wilson Creek watershed
- Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet testifies about questionable enforcement procedures.
- ACLC successfully upholds order in Court of Appeals allowing citizen groups to intervene in discharge monitoring case.
- Representing Sierra Club, ACLC files suit against Leslie County coal mine for environmental violations
- Court Accepting Comments on Cabinet's Proposed Settlement with ICG and Frasure Creek
- ACLC and KFTC Prevail in Suit Against Strict Conditions Placed by Kentucky on All Coal Mining Permits in the Wilson Creek Watershed
- EPA Issues New Guidance on Stream Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Corps Suspends NWP 21
- ACLC represents Sierra Club and KFTC in a challenge to a MTR permit
- EPA Review of Surface Coal Mining
- Category: Flooding
- Category: Just Transition
- NPR: What Biden’s Plan For “Building Back Better” Could Mean For The Ohio Valley
- PRESS RELEASE: RECLAIM Act Passes the House as part of H.R. 2, The Moving Forward Act
- Public News Service: Report Identifies Redevelopment Projects for Abandoned Coal Mine Sites
- Southerly Magazine: "As coal disappears, Appalachians lose access to basic services"
- The Nation: "Appalachia Already Has a Plan To Get Past Coal"
- ACLC Quoted in Bloomberg Report About States Eliminating Coal Mine Inspections
- Press Release: Congressman Hal Rogers announces $1 billion to help coal region on heels of broad community effort to support the Power+ Plan
- Citizens and elected officials speak up in favor of PowerPlus plan
- Obama administration to continue support for aid to coal regions
- Congress takes steps to fund POWER+ Plan in 2016 federal budget
- Federal economic development grants announced for eastern Kentucky highlights the potential of the yet-to-be passed POWER+ Plan
- Lexington Herald-Leader: Local governments in E. Kentucky endorsing $1B Obama plan to reclaim coal land, create jobs
- Press Release: Whitesburg becomes first locality in Kentucky–and second in the nation–to support federal proposal to boost Appalachian economy
- Authors on Abandoned Mine Land whitepaper speak with Making Connections
- The Abandoned Mine Lands Program: A Policy Analysis for Central Appalachia and the Nation
- Press Release: Central Appalachian groups publish paper demonstrating economic potential of reclaiming abandoned mines
- Hollowed Mountains, Now Hollowed Towns: Coal in Eastern Kentucky
- ACLC joins call for Clean Energy Agenda for America's future
- Category: Justice
- Category: Mine Safety
- Federal mine safety chief opens rescue center in Kentucky; outlines plans for safer mines
- "Why Are They Not Being Punished?": A Legacy of Unaccountability in the Coalfields
- Press coverage of WV and Turkish mine deaths highlights mine safety enforcement issues
- Lexington Herald-Leader report on mine safety in decades after eastern Kentucky tragedy
- Lexington Herald-Leader report on mine safety in decades after eastern Kentucky tragedy
- Lexington Herald-Leader report on mine safety in decades after eastern Kentucky tragedy
- Huffington Post reports on court victory for ACLC mine safety client Reuben Shemwell
- Huffington Post reports on court victory for ACLC mine safety client Reuben Shemwell
- Huffington Post reports on court victory for ACLC mine safety client Reuben Shemwell
- Louisville Courier-Journal front page story on flawed and inadequate collection of fines for mine safety violations
- Huffington Post reports on 6th Circuit victory for whistleblower Scott Howard
- Victory for coal miner Scott Howard in Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Whistleblower should not be punished in Kentucky mine safety-violations case, state panel rules
- Lexington Herald-Leader publishes editorial on mine safety repeat violators
- Representative George Miller speaking to Congress on behalf of mine safety
- Mine run by former Kentucky Darby operators shut down over safety violations
- Kentucky ranks first in unpaid fines for mine safety violations
- Louisville Courier-Journal reports Kentucky Darby mine operators have yet to pay for 2006 blast that killed five miners
- New York Times publishes editorial on Upper Big Branch explosion
- Huffington Post profiles ACLC client and mining industry whistleblower Charles Scott Howard
- ACLC's Comment on MSHA's Proposed Rule to Lower Miners' Exposure to Respirable Coal Mine Dust (RIN 1210-AB64)
- MSHA Accepting Comments on Changes to Pattern of Violations Rule
- ACLC Submits Comments on the Proposed Mine Safety and Health Act of 2010
- Breaking News-POV
- NPR reports FBI is looking into Massey, MSHA
- Recent coal mine safety news
- Mine Safety Hearing
- Mourning in the mountains
- Massey Accident
- Speak Your Piece: Scotia Then and Now
- Kentucky ranks first in unpaid fines for mine safety violations
- Huffington Post profiles ACLC client Scott Howard
- Sierra Club accuses coal company of violations at Leslie County mine
- Sierra Club Accuses ICG Hazard of Violations at Thunder Ridge Mine
- Category: Press Release
- Category: Uncategorized
- Hundreds of Kentucky Coal Mines Falling Far Behind in Clean Up and Reclamation Process
- COALFIELD PROGRESS: Citizens Criticize Ison Rock Mine PRoposal
- WEST VIRGINIA MORNING: Connecting To Clean Tap Water And Limiting Coal Dust Exposure
- GRIST: No Friend of the Coal Miner
- ACLC NEWS: What should East Kentuckians know about Biden’s COVID-19 Relief Bill?
- Category: Water
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